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5-08-2015, 23:52


3300 BCE-1700 BCE

The Indus civilization flourishes in northern and central India.

1700 BCE-500 BCE

The Vedic civilization is prominent.

1500 BCE .

The Aryans arrive in India.

600 BCE

Sixteen mahajanapadas, “great kingdoms,” emerge.

500s BCE

The founders of Jainism and Buddhism are born.

400 BCE

The Mahabharata, the world’s longest poem, is written down.

327 BCE

Alexander the Great becomes the first Greek to invade India.

321 BCE

Chandragupta Maurya unites India’s kingdoms into its first empire.

C. 273 BCE-232 BCE

Ashoka leads the Mauryan Empire, spreading his Buddhist beliefs in a collection of edicts.

185 BCE

The Mauryan dynasty ends.

100s BCE

Artists create the first five caves at Ajanta, which serve as temples.

C. 100 BCE-300 CE

The Natya Shastra, “Treatise of Dance,” is completed.


The Gupta Empire begins, marking the start of India’s golden age, a time of great artistic expression and advances in mathematics and medicine.

C. 400

The Dattilam details a system for Indian music.


Kalidasa writes the Abhijnanashakuntala, India’s best literary work.

400s AND 500s

Artists create additional caves at Ajanta, creating what becomes classical Indian art.


Aryabhata I writes about mathematics and astronomy in Aryabhatiya.


The Gupta Empire ends, marking the end of India’s golden age.

