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 The Cambridge History of Judaism. Vol. 1-4
The Cambridge History of Judaism. Vol. 1-4
Author: Steven T. Katz , William Horbury , W. D. Davies
The Cambridge History of Judaism. Vol. 1-4
Cambridge University Press
Pages: 1165, 1270, 746, 472
Format: pdf
Size: 134MB
Language: English

Three published volumes cover the history of Judaism from the Persian period up to the third century, and a fourth is on the late Roman-Rabbinic period. Taken together, The Cambridge History of Judaism provides the fullest and most authoritative account of its subject and will endure as an important scholarly resource.

The first three volumes of The Cambridge History of Judaism cover the history of the Jews from the Exile in 587 B.C.E. to the early Roman period extending into the third century C.E. A comprehensive examination is made of all the relevant literary and archeological sources, and special attention is given to the interaction of Iranian, Semitic, Hellenistic and Roman cultures.

The second of four volumes covering the history of Judaism from 540 BCE to 250 CE, this book deals with the encounter of Judaism with the Hellenistic culture spread throughout the Mediterranean world and beyond by Alexander the Great and his successors. Drawing upon recent scholarship in archaeology, history and scriptures, the contributors describe the religious, social and cultural rejection and adoption of Hellenism by Judaism. Illustrated with plates and diagrams, the text will prove an invaluable resource to scholars and general readers interested in Jewish or Mediterranean history.

This volume covers the history of Judaism in the Roman period. Political history is treated from Pompey to Vespasian, but many chapters on Jewish life and thought go beyond the period of the Flavian emperors to present themes and evidence of importance for Judaism up to the 3rd century CE. The approach has concentrated on the study of institutions and schools of thought through consideration of archaeological finds and inscriptions. Jewish-Gentile relations, temple and synagogue, groups and schools of thought - Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, Baptist sects, the 'fourth philosophy' and similar groups, Samaritans and the Christian movement - are examined. An unusual feature of the volume is its historical treatment of Christianity within the context of ancient Judaism. The Qumran texts, Philo and Josephus receive attention as does Jewish society in Judaea and Galilee.

The fourth volume of The Cambridge History of Judaism covers the period from 70 CE to 640 CE (the rise of Islam), addressing the major historical, political and cultural developments in Jewish history during this crucial era. The volume is especially strong in its coverage of the growth and development of rabbinic Judaism and the major classical rabbinic sources such as the Mishnah, Jerusalem Talmud, Babylonian Talmud and various Midrashic collections. In addition, it surveys the growth of early Jewish mystical literature and the liturgical literature of the developing synagogue.

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 The Human Past: World Prehistory and the Development of Human Societies
The Human Past: World Prehistory and the Development of Human Societies
Author: Chris Scarre
The Human Past: World Prehistory and the Development of Human Societies, 3d edition
Thames & Hudson
Format: PDF
Size: 116 Mb
Language: English

A comprehensive and indispensable guide to world prehistory and how archaeology helps us to understand the enormous diversity of the human past.
The text has established itself as a thorough and authoritative survey of human prehistory and the development of civilizations. Written by an international team of acknowledged experts, it presents a streamlined overview through a series of chapters focusing on individual regions and time periods. The Third Edition has been completely revised to offer updated scholarship and discoveries and features new color illustrations. 788 illustrations, 296 in color

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 Great Ages of Man - Rise of Russia
Great Ages of Man - Rise of Russia
Author: Robert Wallace
Great Ages of Man - Rise of Russia
Time-Life Books
Format: PDF
Pages: 192
Language: English
Size: 36.6 MB

The editors of Time-Life Books have produced another exciting series: The Great Ages of Man. The Rise of Russia is brought to you in wonderful detail through vivid photography and engaging, informative text.

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 Cities of Empire: The British Colonies and the Creation of the Urban World
Cities of Empire: The British Colonies and the Creation of the Urban World
Author: Tristram Hunt
Cities of Empire: The British Colonies and the Creation of the Urban World
Metropolitan Books
Format: epub
Size: 13.8 Mb
Language: English

An original history of the most enduring colonial creation, the city, explored through ten portraits of powerful urban centers the British Empire left in its wake
At its peak, the British Empire was an urban civilization of epic proportions, leaving behind a network of cities which now stand as the economic and cultural powerhouses of the twenty-first century. In a series of ten vibrant urban biographies that stretch from the shores of Puritan Boston to Dublin, Hong Kong, New Delhi, Liverpool, and beyond, acclaimed historian Tristram Hunt demonstrates that urbanism is in fact the most lasting of Britain’s imperial legacies.
Combining historical scholarship, cultural criticism, and personal reportage, Hunt offers a new history of empire, excavated from architecture and infrastructure, from housing and hospitals, sewers and statues, prisons and palaces. Avoiding the binary verdict of empire as “good” or “bad,” he traces the collaboration of cultures and traditions that produced these influential urban centers, the work of an army of administrators, officers, entrepreneurs, slaves, and renegades. In these ten cities, Hunt shows, we also see the changing faces of British colonial settlement: a haven for religious dissenters, a lucrative slave-trading post, a center of global hegemony.
Lively, authoritative, and eye-opening, Cities of Empire makes a crucial new contribution to the history of colonialism.

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 Piracy. The Intellectual Property Wars from Gutenberg to Gates
Piracy. The Intellectual Property Wars from Gutenberg to Gates
Piracy. The Intellectual Property Wars from Gutenberg to Gates
Author: Adrian Johns
University of Chicago Press
ISBN: 9780226401195
Pages: 640
Format: Mobi
Size: 14,7МБ
Quality: Good
Language: English

Since the rise of Napster and other file-sharing services in its wake, most of us have assumed that intellectual piracy is a product of the digital age and that it threatens creative expression as never before. The Motion Picture Association of America, for instance, claimed that in 2005 the film industry lost $2.3 billion in revenue to piracy online. But here Adrian Johns shows that piracy has a much longer and more vital history than we have realized - one that has been largely forgotten and is little understood. "Piracy" explores the intellectual property wars from the advent of print culture in the fifteenth century to the reign of the Internet in the twenty-first. Brimming with broader implications for today's debates over open access, fair use, free culture, and the like, Johns' book ultimately argues that piracy has always stood at the center of our attempts to reconcile creativity and commerce - and that piracy has been an engine of social, technological, and intellectual innovations as often as it has been their adversary. From Cervantes to Sonny Bono, from Maria Callas to Microsoft, from Grub Street to Google, no chapter in the story of piracy evades Johns' graceful analysis in what will be the definitive history of the subject for years to come.

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 The History of Mexico: From Pre-Conquest to Present
The History of Mexico: From Pre-Conquest to Present
Author: Philip Russell
The History of Mexico: From Pre-Conquest to Present
Format: Pdf
Size: 11 MB
Language: English

The History of Mexico: From Pre-Conquest to Present traces the last 500 years of Mexican history, from the indigenous empires that were devastated by the Spanish conquest through the election of 2006 and its aftermath. The book offers a straightforward chronological survey of Mexican history from the pre-colonial times to the present, and includes a glossary as well as numerous tables and images for comprehensive study.

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 From Girl to Goddess: The Heroine's Journey through Myth and Legend
From Girl to Goddess: The Heroine's Journey through Myth and Legend
Author: Valerie Estelle Frankel
From Girl to Goddess: The Heroine's Journey through Myth and Legend
Format: PDF
Size: 1.5 Mb
Language: English

Many are familiar with Joseph Campbell's theory of the hero's journey, the idea that every man from Moses to Hercules grows to adulthood while battling his alter-ego. This book explores the universal heroine's journey as she quests through world myth. Numerous stories from cultures as varied as Chile and Vietnam reveal heroines who battle for safety and identity, thereby upsetting popular notions of the passive, gentle heroine. Only after she has defeated her dark side and reintegrated can the heroine become the bestower of wisdom, the protecting queen and arch-crone.

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 Illustrirtes Reisebuch
Illustrirtes Reisebuch
Author: unter Mitbenutzung ämtlicher Quellen hrsg. von C. F. Jahn
Illustrirtes Reisebuch
Verlegt von M. Simion in Berlin
Pages: 761
Language: German/das Deutsche
Format: PDF
Size: 111,40 MB

Illustrirtes Reisebuch. Ein Führer durch Deutschland, die Schweiz, Tyrol, Italien und nach Paris, London, Brüssel, Amsterdam, Kopenhagen, Stockholm, Warschau.

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 Az egyiptomi birodalmak
Az egyiptomi birodalmak
Author: David A.R.
Az egyiptomi birodalmak
Format: pdf
Size: 187 mb
Language: Hungarian

"Akik napjainkban felkeresik Egyiptomot, s Kairóból Luxorba repülőgépen teszik meg az utat, lenyűgöző látványban van részük, abban a tájban gyönyörködhetnek, amely a több ezer évvel ezelőtt élt egyiptomiak életét alapvetően meghatározta. A girbegurba medrében torkolata felé kanyargó Nílus ma is az ország fő ütőere, akárcsak régen.Kairóból az utazók rendszerint ellátogatnak Gizába, Szakkarába és Memphiszbe, ahol az Óbirodalom idején először virágzott fel a fáraók kultúrája. Felső-Egyiptomban Luxort, ezt a modern várost választva kiindulópontként, az utasok esetleg több napot is szentelnek a folyó kelet és nyugati partjának, ahol egykor az ókori főváros, Théba terült el. Bizonyára körüljárják a karnaki templomként ismertté vált hatalmas épületegyüttest, valamint a kisebb, összefogottabb luxori templomot, a nyugati partot elébük tárulnak a halotti templomok, a királyok, királynék és előkelők sírjai, valamint a királyi nekropoliszon dolgozó munkások lakóhelyéül szolgáló falu maradványai. A templomok ma elhagyottak, csak a madarak, a turisták és a régészek látogatják őket. Oszlopok és faragott kövek hevernek szerteszét, a papok rituális varázsigéinek visszhangja régen elhalt. A kopár völgyekben üresen állnak a sírok, a rablók réges-rég kifosztották őket. De még így sem lehet megindultság nélkül szemlélni ezeket a nagy templomokat, a sírfestmények ragyogó színeit, a falakat díszítő, királyokat és isteneket ábrázoló képeket.Az ősi szokás, amely előírta, hogy az elhunyttal együtt eltemessék a túlvilági élethez szükséges tárgyait, valamint a száraz éghajlat tette lehetővé, hogy Egyiptom anyagi múltjából több maradjon fenn, mint a legtöbb ókori civilizációból, s e civilizáció jobb megismerését elősegítette az egyiptológusok számos nemzedékének türelmes és fáradságos munkája is" - írja könyvének bevezetőjében A. Rosalie David, a manchesteri egyetem kiváló egyiptológusa.Az olvasó először Egyiptom négyezer éves történelmével ismerkedhet meg: a homályba vesző kezdetek után fényes fellendülés következik az Óbirodalom korában, ezt követően hanyatlás az újjáéledés váltakozik, mígnem a nemzetközi nagyhatalommá váló ország tekintélye és gazdagsága az Újbirodalom korában eléri tetőpontját. Miután a szerző áttekintést nyújt az Egyiptomot felkereső egykori utazók, antik történetírók és felfedezők beszámolóiról, részletesen bemutatja azokat az eseményeket, régészeti ásatásokat, amelyek lázba hozták a világot: többek között a Rosette-i kő megtalálását, a hieroglif írás megfejtését, Tutanhamon sírjának feltárását.

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 I rioni di Roma: Storia, segreti, monumenti, tradizioni, leggende, curiosita. Volume 1
I rioni di Roma: Storia, segreti, monumenti, tradizioni, leggende, curiosita. Volume 1
Le chiese di Roma
Newton Compton
Author: Mario Sanfilippo
Biblioteca de IL Messaggero
2000 (2005)
Pages: 387
Format: pdf
Language: Italiano
Size: 34.19 MB
Quality: good

Una passeggiata alla scoperta o alla rivisitazione della storia, dei monumenti, dei palazzi, delle chiese di Roma. Seguendo una serie di itinerari proposti dagli autori, che toccano le vie, le piazze, i luoghi più significativi di ogni rione, sarà possibile addentrarsi profondamente nel tessuto cittadino, godere delle sue meraviglie artistiche, venire a conoscenza di curiosità e notizie insolite relative a tradizioni ormai dimenticate o a personaggi famosi.

Le ricostruzioni sono arricchite da aneddoti illuminanti, che danno vita all'antico rudere, o da resoconti di fatti di cronaca ambientati in un moderno palazzo.
Le descrizioni ampie e puntuali ci permettono di appassionarci al "racconto" urbanistico, anche con il sussidio iconografico di immagini antiche e moderne, che ci fanno scorgere le profonde trasformazioni intervenute nel corso dei secoli.

Camminare per le strade del rione, vagabondare tra i vicoli e le piazze lasciandosi coinvolgere dall'atmosfera "locale" ci porterà dunque a vivere la città nel quotidiano, a scoprire i suoi tesori d'arte e le innumerevoli curiosità e leggende del passato.

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 The Seafarers - The Explorers
The Seafarers - The Explorers
Author: Collective
Time Frame AD 1950-1990 - The Nuclear Age
Time-Life Books
Format: PDF
Pages: 182
Language: English
Size: 40 MB

Essay: Man's ever-enlarging view of his planet
Chapter i First giant stride on the route to India
Essay: Evolution of the shipwright's art
chapter 2 West from Spain to a vast New World
Essay: A natural kingdom to enrapture the senses
Chapter 3 East from Portugal to an empire of spices
Essay: Marvels of India Oriental through Western eyes
Chapter 4 The soldier who completed Columbus' quest
Essay: That unique, that most famous ship, the "Victoria"
chapter 5 The death and the triumph of Magellan
Essay: After discovery: the spoils of exploitation

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 Death in the Trenches - Grant at Petersburg (The Civil War Series)
Death in the Trenches - Grant at Petersburg (The Civil War Series)
Author: William Morris Davis
Death in the Trenches - Grant at Petersburg (The Civil War Series)
Time-Life Books
Format: PDF
Pages: 184
Language: English
Size: 33.1 MB

Another great book in this series, with period photographs, pictures of Civil War artifacts, maps and artwork. Sidebars include a look at the 1st Maine Artillery (a unit which was frightfully cut down during its baptism of fire), artistic renderings of Petersburg, the Union's giant depot at City Point, black troops in combat and Anatomy of a Trench System.

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 Święta Ruś: Rozwój i oddziaływanie idei prawosławia w Galicji
Święta Ruś: Rozwój i oddziaływanie idei prawosławia w Galicji
Author:Włodzimierz Osadczy
Święta Ruś: Rozwój i oddziaływanie idei prawosławia w Galicji
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie - Skłodowskiej
Format: djvu
Size: 27.67 MB
Language: Polish

Marzenie o ''świętej Rusi'' - idylicznej zaginionej ojczyźnie, w której w doskonałej zgodzie naród i Cerkiew tworzyłyby wspaniałą harmonię - przyświęcało pokoleniom greckokatolickim duchownym w Galicji.

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 Unearthing Jerusalem: 150 Years of Archaeological Research in the Holy City
Unearthing Jerusalem: 150 Years of Archaeological Research in the Holy City
Unearthing Jerusalem: 150 Years of Archaeological Research in the Holy City
Author: Katharirina Galor and Gideon Avni
ISBN: 1575062232
Pages: 512
Language: English
Format: PDF
Size: 58 MB

In 2006, some two dozen contemporary archaeologists and historians met at Brown University, in Providence RI, to present papers and illustrations marking the 150th anniversary of modern archaeological exploration of the Holy City. The papers from that conference are published here, presented in 5 major sections: (1) The History of Research, (2) From Early Humans to the Iron Age, (3) The Roman Period, (4) The Byzantine Period, and (5) The Early Islamic and Medieval Periods. The volume is heavily illustrated with materials from historical archives as well as from contemporary excavations. It provides a helpful and informative introduction to the history of the various national and religious organizations that have sponsored excavations in the Holy Land and Jerusalem in particular, as well as a summary of the current status of excavations in Jerusalem.

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 The Merchant Navy
The Merchant Navy
: The Merchant Navy
Author : Richard Woodman
Shire Publications
: 2013
ISBN: 9780747812326
Pages: 70
Format : EPUB
Size : 11,5 MB
Language : English

This title tells the epic story of Britain's merchant shipping, carrying exotic goods from all quarters of the world. At one time, British ships carried half of the world's trade. It reveals how two world wars nearly destroyed our merchant shipping, but convoys battled on to save Britain from starving to death. We see what life was like at sea for merchant seamen and get a first-hand glimpse of them at work.

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 An Illustrated History of the United States of America
An Illustrated History of the United States of America
D.B. O'Callaghan An Illustrated History of the United States of America
Publisher: Longman 1990
144 Pages
ISBN: 0582749212
PDF | 48.2 Mb

This is a companion volume to "An Illustrated History of Britain". It traces the history of the USA from the time of the Amerindians, through to the arrival of the Europeans, to the present day. Topics covered include colonial life, the Civil War and the American involvement in Vietnam. Each chapter consists of two or three double page spreads with inset material highlighting some of the characters or events mentioned in the main text.

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 The Evolution of Weapons and Warfare
The Evolution of Weapons and Warfare
Author: Colonel Trevor N. Dupuy
The Evolution of Weapons and Warfare
The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc.
Format: PDF
Pages: 368
Language: English
Size: 52.7 MB

A history of weapons and warfare, from the Macedonian sarissa to the atomic bomb. The book describes technological and strategic advances in military science, but also aims to evoke the horror of war and comment on the future of warfare.

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 Dunkirk and the fall of France
Dunkirk and the fall of France
Author: Geoffrey Stewart
Dunkirk and the fall of France
Pen and Sword Military
Campaign Chronicles
ISBN: 1844158039
Format: EPUB
Pages: 224
Size: 3 Mb
Language: English

For sixty years the dramatic story of the Dunkirk evacuation and the defeat of France - the story of the German conquest of northwest Europe - has been the focus of historical study and dispute, yet myths and misconceptions about this extraordinary event persist. The ruthless efficiency of the German assault, the 'miracle' of Dunkirk, the feeble French defence - these still common assumptions are questioned in Geoffrey Stewart's highly readable and concise account of the campaign. The German victory was not inevitable.

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 The New Illustrated Guide to Modern Warships
The New Illustrated Guide to Modern Warships
Author: Tony Gibbons, David Miller
The New Illustrated Guide to Modern Warships
Smithmark Publishers, Inc.
Format: PDF
Pages: 168
Language: English
Size: 16 MB

A magnificently illustrated directory of the most important warships used by today's navies 160 fact-filled pages; over 40,000 words of text and data plus more than 120 illustrations covering 65 classes of modern warships.

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