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18-03-2015, 17:14


Primary Sources

Engelbert of Admont, Pius II, Torquemada John (2000) Three tracts on empire, trans. Izbicki TM, Nederman CJ. Thoemmes, Bristol Torquemada John (1561) Summa de ecclesia...una cum eiusdem apparatu, nunc primum in lucem edito, super decreto Papae Eugenij IIII. in Concilio Florentino de unione Graecorum emanato. Apud Michaelem Tramezinum, Venice

Torquemada John (1869) Tractatus de veritate conceptionis Beatissimae Virginis..., ed. Pusey M. Jacobus Parker, Oxford Torquemada John (1968) Meditationes, ed. Zirnbauer H. Harassowitz, Wiesbaden

Torquemada John (1988) A disputation on the authority of pope and council, trans. Izbicki TM. Blackfriars, Oxford

Secondary Sources

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