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27-03-2015, 18:24


Primary Sources

Ioannes de Reading (1966) In I librum sententiarum, Prologus, q. 2. In: Brown SF (ed) Sources for Ockham’s prologue to the Sentences. Francisc Stud 26:40-51

Ioannes de Reading (1969) In I librum sententiarum, d. 3, q. 3. In: G<ll G (ed) Quaestio Ioannis de Reading de necessitate specierum intelligibilium: Defensio doctrinae Scoti. Francisc Stud 29:77-156 Ioannes de Reading (1981) In I librum sententiarum, d. 2, qq. 2-3. In: Etzkorn GJ (ed) John of Reading on the existence and unicity of God, efficient and final causality. Francisc Stud 41:125-221 Ioannes de Radingia (1986) In I librum sententiarum, Prologus, qq. 1112. In: Percan J (ed) Teologia come ‘‘Scienza Pratica’’ secondo Giovanni di Reading. Spicilegium Bonaventurianum, vol 26. Editiones Collegii S. Bonaventurae ad Claras Aquas, Grottaferrata, pp 3-248

Ioannes de Reading (1989) In I librum sententiarum, Prologus, qq. 6-7, 10. In: Livesey SJ (ed) Theology and science in the fourteenth century: three questions on the unity and subalternation of the sciences from John of Reading’s commentary on the Sentences. Studien und Texte zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters, vol 25. Brill, Leiden, pp 91-205

Ioannes de Reading (1996) In I librum sententiarum, d. 1, q. 6. In: Alliney G (ed) Fra Scoto e Ockham: Giovanni di Reading e il dibattito sulla liberta a Oxford (1310-1320). Documenti e studi sulla tradizione filosofica medievale VII:292-368

Ioannes de Reading (2007) Quodlibet I, qq. 1-2. In: Goris W (ed) Absolute beginners: der mittelalterliche Beitrag zu einem Ausgang vom Unbedingten. Studien und Texte zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters, vol 93. Brill, Leiden, pp 68-75, 249-256

Secondary Sources

Alliney G (1996) Fra Scoto e Ockham: Giovanni de Reading e il dibattito sulla liberta a Oxford (1310-1320). Documenti e studi sulla tradizione filosofica medievale VII:243-368 Brown SF (1966) Sources for Ockham’s prologue to the Sentences. Francisc Stud 26:36-65

Courtenay WJ (1987) Schools & scholars. Princeton University Press, Princeton, pp 188-189

Etzkorn GJ (1981) John of Reading on the existence and unicity of God, efficient and final causality. Francisc Stud 41:110-221 G<il G (1969) Quaestio Ioannis de Reading de necessitate specierum intelligibilium: Defensio doctrinae Scoti. Francisc Stud 29:66-156 Goris W (2007) Absolute beginners: der mittelalterliche Beitrag zu einem Ausgang vom Unbedingten. Studien und Texte zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters, vol 93. Brill, Leiden

Livesey SJ (1989) Theology and science in the fourteenth century: three questions on the unity and subalternation of the sciences from John of Readings’s commentary on the Sentences. Studien und Texte zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters, vol 25. Brill, Leiden Longpre E (1924) Jean de Reading et le Bx. Jean Duns Scot. La France Franciscaine 7:99-109

Percan J (1986) Teologia come ‘‘Scienza Pratica’’ secondo Giovanni di Reading. Spicilegium Bonaventurianum, vol 26. Editiones Collegii S. Bonaventurae ad Claras Aquas, Grottaferrata Tachau KH (1988) Vision and certitude in the age of Ockham. Brill, Leiden, pp 166-174

