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26-05-2015, 17:48

Further Reading

DeCunzo L and Jameson JH, Jr. (eds.) (2005) Unlocking the Past Celebrating Historical Archaeology in North America. Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida.

Dela Torre M (2003) Assessing the Values ofCultural Heritage. Los Angeles: The Getty Conservation Institute, The J. Paul Getty Trust.

Ename Center for Public Archaeology and Heritage Presentation (2006). ICOMOS Ename Charter for the Interpretation of Cultural Heritage Sites. Fifth Draft, 12 Dec. 2006 Http://www. enamecharter. org/index. html (accessed 14 Dec. 2006).

Finn C (1997) ‘‘Leaving more than footprints’’: Modern votive offerings at Chaco Canyon prehistoric site. Antiquity 71(271): 177-178.

ICOMOS ICIP (2006) Mission Statement. Http://icip. icomos. org/ ENG/about_missionstatement. html (accessed 18 Apr. 2007).

Jameson JH, Jr. (2004) Public archaeology in the United States. In: Merriman N (ed.) Public Archaeology, pp. 21-58. New York: Routledge.

Jameson JH, Jr. (ed.) (1997) Presenting Archaeology to the Public: Digging for Truths (ed). Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira.

Jameson JH, Jr. (ed.) (2004) The Reconstructed Past: Reconstructions in the Public Interpretation of Archaeology and History. Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira.

Jameson JH, Jr., Ehrenhard JE, and Finn CA (eds.) (2003) Ancient Muses: Archaeology and the Arts. Tuscaloosa, AL: University of Alabama Press.

Kohl J (2003) Post-revolution interpretation. Legacy (Nov./ Dec. 2003, Parts 1-3). Interpreters and the Big Story. http:// jonkohl. com/publications/categories/interp. htm (accessed 25 May 2006).

McManamon FP and Hatton A (eds.) (2000) One World Archaeology, Vol. 33 Cultural Resource Management in Contemporary Society - Perspectives on Managing and Presenting the Past. New York: Routledge.

NAI (2005) National Association for Interpretation: Mission, Vision, and Core Values. Http://www. interpnet. com/about_nai/ mission. shtml (accessed 18 Apr. 2007).

NPS (2005) Module 440: Effective Interpretation of Archeological Resources. Http://www. nps. gov/idp/interp/440/module. htm (accessed 18 Apr. 2007).

NPS IDP (2006) The Interpretive Development Program, Aiming for High Ground. Http://www. nps. gov/idp/interp/ (accessed 15 Jun 15 2006).

Tilden F (1957) Interpreting Our Heritage:Principles and Practices for Visitor Services in Parks, Museums, and Historic Places. New York: Van Rees.

Stone PG and Molyneaux B (1994) Introduction. In: Stone PG and Molyneaux BL (eds.) The Represented Past: Heritage, Museums, and Education, pp. 1-28. New York: Routledge.

