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10-05-2015, 08:12


Archaeological site Any concentration of artifacts, ecofacts, features, and structures manufactured or modified by humans. cataclysmic event Severely destructive event. conservation The protection of artifacts, environmental evidence, and archaeological sites through activities that minimize deterioration and damage and that prevent loss of context and content.

Decay The process of gradually becoming inferior.

Desiccation Winter injury sustained on exposed turf areas when subject to high winds.

Erosion The wearing away or loosening and transportation of soil or rock by water, wind, and ice. ground environment The soils, hydrology, chemistry and microbiology of the site, or of features within the site. oxidizing conditions A condition where materials tend to lose electrons and more readily combine with ions with an excess of electrons like oxygen ions.

Perched water table A reservoir of water held above the general water table by an impermeable layer of soil or rock. pH Measure of hydrogen ion concentration. Normal range of scale is 0 to 14. Values below pH 7 (neutral) are acid (increasing hydrogen ion concentration) and above it alkali (reducing hydrogen ions concentration).

Redox Measurement of oxidizing and reducing power of an environment.

Reducing conditions A condition where materials tend to gain electrons and more readily combine with materials with a deficiency of electrons like hydrogen ions.

