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15-03-2015, 12:47

The Third Intermediate Period

For the period as a whole the basic source is still Kenneth Kitchen, The Third Lntermediate Period in Egypt (noo-6jo BC) (Warminster, 1973; 2nd edn. with Supplement, 1986; 3rd edn., with new preface, 1995). The Supplement and 1995 preface summarize and criticize studies on chronology and political geography published since 1973. Textual sources for the period are scattered, and up-to-date studies of many key texts are still awaited. Translations of some basic texts are provided by Miriam Lich-theim. Ancient Egyptian Literature, iii (Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1980). For a brief but well-chosen selection of texts, see Pascal Vernus, ‘Choix de textes illustrant le temps des rois tanites et libyens’, in J. Yoyotte (ed.) Tanis, I’ordes Pharaons (Paris, 1987), 102-111.

Genealogies and prosopography of official families are discussed in M.

L.  Bierbrier, The Late New Kingdom in Egypt (c. ijoo-664 bc) (Warminster, 1975); P.-M. Chevereau, Prosopographie des cadres militaires egyptiens de la Basse Epoque (Antony, 1985), and G. Vittmann, Priester und Beamte im Theben der Spdtzeit (Vienna, 1978).

Papers discussing the royal and official families and the chronology of the period are numerous; among the most significant modifications to the structure outlined by Kitchen are (i) a reappraisal of events at the beginning of the Third Intermediate Period: K. Jansen-Winkeln, ‘Das Ende des Neuen Reiches’, ZAS 119 (1992), 22-37; ‘Die Pliinderung der Kbnigsgraber des Neuen Reiches’, ZAS 122 (1995), 62-78; (2) the historical status and sphere of influence of the 23rd Dynasty: D. A. Aston, ‘Takeloth 11—A King of the “Theban Twenty-Third Dynasty’’?’, JEA 75 (1989), 139-53; Leahy, ‘Abydos in the Libyan Period’, in M. A. Leahy (ed.), Libya and Egypt, c.3300-750 bc (London, 1990), 155-200. Revisionist theories by various authors, proposing major contraction of the chronology of the Third Intermediate Period, have not been generally accepted.

On ideological aspects of kingship in the Third Intermediate Period, see

M. - A. Bonheme, Les Noms Royaux dans I’Egypte de la Troisieme Periode Intermediaire (Cairo, 1987). For a well-documented study of the society, administration, and culture of the period, see David O’Connor, ‘New Kingdom and Third Intermediate Period, 1552-664 bc’, in B. Trigger et al., Ancient Egypt: A Social History (Cambridge, 1983), 183-278. For a general summary of the period with emphasis on Tanis, see J. Yoyotte (ed.), Tanis, I’or des pharaons (Paris, 1987).

The chronology, culture, and society of the Libyan Period are discussed in M. A. Leahy (ed.), Libya and Egypt, c.1300-750 BC (London, 1990), while the Libyan character of the 21st Dynasty is covered in K. Jansen-Winkeln, ‘Der Beginn der Libyschen Herrschaft in Agypten’, Biblische Notizen, 71 (1994), 78-97. For the impact of Libyan immigration on Egyptian culture and society, see M. A. Leahy, ‘The Libyan Period in Egypt: An Essay in Interpretation’, Libyan Studies, 16 (1985), 51-65. For Libyan Period historical and biographical inscriptions, see R. A. Caminos, The Chronicle of Prince Osorkon (Rome, 1958), and K. Jansen-Winkeln, Agyptische Bio-graphien der 22. und 23. Dynastie (Wiesbaden, 1985). For discussion of the Delta principalities, see J. Yoyotte, ‘Les Principautes du Delta au temps de I’anarchie libyenne (etudes d’histoire politique)’, MIFAO 66 (1961), 121-81, pis. I-lII, and F. Gomaa, Die libyschen Furstentumer des Deltas (Wiesbaden, 1974). For donation stelae, see D. Meeks, ‘Les Donations aux temples dans rfigypte du ler millenaire avant J.-C.’, in E. Lipinski (ed.), State and Temple Economy in the Ancient Near East, ii (Leuven, 1979), 605-87.

The Kushite Period (25th Dynasty) is dealt with in Laszlo Tordk, The Birth of an Ancient African Kingdom: Kush and her Myth of the State in the Eirst Millennium sc (Lille, 1995), and Jean Ledant, ‘Kuschitenherrschaft’, in LA iii (Wiesbaden, 1980), 893-901. For the campaign of King Piye, see

N. Grimal, Le Stele triomphale de Pi-(ankh)y au Musee du Caire (Cairo, 1981), and E. R. Russmann, The Representation of the King in the XXVth Etynasty (Brussels, 1974).

A number of articles and monographs discuss the religion and material culture of the Third Intermediate Period. H. Kees, Die Hohenpriester des Amun von Kamak von Herihor bis zum Ende des Athiopienzeit (Leiden, 1964), still contains useful material though now superseded on specific issues of identification and genealogy of the priests of Amun during the Third Intermediate Period; see also J.-M. Kruchten, LesAnnales despretres de Kamak (XXI-XXIIIemes dynasties) et autres textes contemporains relatifr a I’initiation despretres d'Amon (Leuven, 1989). For orades, see J.-M. Kruchten, Le Grand Texte oraculaire de Djehoutymose, intendant du Domaine dAmon sous le pontificat de Pinedjem II (Brussels, 1986): for the role of women in temple cult, see S.-A. Naguib, Le Clerge Feminin dAmon thebain a la 2i‘ Dynastic (Leuven, 1990); for the God’s Wife of Amun, see E. Graefe, Untersuchungen zur Verwaltung und Geschichte der Institution der Gottes-gemahlin des Amun vom Beginn des Neuen Reiches bis zur Spatzeit (Wiesbaden, 1981); for religious iconography, see Richard Fazzini, Egypt: Dynasty XXII-XXV (Iconography of Religions xvi(io); Leiden, 1988).

Burial customs are described in Pierre Montet, La Necropole royale de Tanis, i-iii (Paris, 1947-60), and coffins are discussed in A. Niwinski, 21st Dynasty Coffins from Thebes: Chronological and Typological Studies (Mainz am Rhein, 1988), and R. van Walsem, The Coffin of Djedmonthuiufankh in the National Museum of Antiquities at Leiden (Leiden, 1997). Funerary papyri are covered in A. Niwinski, Studies on the Illustrated Theban Funerary Papyri of the nth and 10th Centuries BC (Freiburg, 1989).

The sculpture of the Third Intermediate Period is discussed in Karol Mysliwiec, Royal Portraiture of the Dynasties XXI-XXX (Mainz am Rhein, 1988). Pottery is described by David Aston, Egyptian Pottery of the Late New Kingdom and Third Intermediate Period (Twelfth-Seventh Centuries BC) (SAGA 13) (Heidelberg, 1996); faience figurines are described by J. Bulte, Talismans Egyptiens d’heureuse matemite (Paris, 1991): and metalworking is discussed by Christiane Ziegler, ‘Les Arts du metal a la Troisieme Periode Intermediaire’, in J. Yoyotte (ed.), Tanis, I’or des pharaons (Paris, 1987), 85-101; R. S. Bianchi, 'Egyptian Metal Statuary of the Third Intermediate Period (Circa 1070-656 BC), from its Egyptian Antecedents to its Samian

Examples’, in M. True and J. Podany (eds.), Small Bronze Sculpture from the Ancient World (Malibu, 1990), 61-84.

Theban tombs of the later Third Intermediate Period are described in D. Eigner, Die Monumentalen Grabbauten der Spdtzeit in der Thebanischen Nekropole (Vienna, 1984).

