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2-04-2015, 02:50


Bruce Catton is one of the finest writers about the Civil War. His works include: The Army of the Potomac, 3 volumes: Mr. Lincoln's Army, Glory Road and A Stillness at Appomattox; The Centennial History of the Civil War, 3 volumes: The Coming Fury, Terrible Swift Sword and Never Call Retreat; This Hallowed Ground; Reflections on the Civil War.

Allan Nevins is another of the deans of Civil War historians. His eight volume work, consisting of The Ordeal of the Union and The War for the Union, covers the background of the conflict through the end of the fighting.

Shelby Foote became famous for his commentary during the PBS series on the Civil War by Ken Burns. Always the Southern gentleman, Mr. Foote tells the history of the war as a story that is eminently readable in his very popular The Civil War: A Narrative, 3 volumes, Ft. Sumter to Perryville, Fredericksburg to Meridian and Red River to Appomattox.

Page Smith. Trial by Fire: A People's History of the Civil War and Reconstruction is volume V of his 8-volume history of the United States.

James M. McPherson teaches history at Princeton and has consulted on everything from the PBS Civil War series to the movie Glory. Battle Cry of Freedom was a bestseller, and his Ordeal by Fire: The Civil War and Reconstruction is a widely used as a textbook. This Mighty Scourge: Perspectives on the Civil War is McPherson's perceptive analysis of the Civil War.

Gary W. Gallagher, Margaret E. Wagner, Paul Finkelman, editors. The Library of Congress Civil War Desk Reference is a detailed work by many contributors covering all aspects of the Civil War. Foreword by James McPherson.

Edwin C. Bearss. Fields of Honor: Pivotal Battles of the Civil War. Bearss has conducted very popular battlefield tours for many years.

