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9-09-2015, 23:30


Baird, Joseph L., and Radd K. Ehrman, trans. The Letters of Hildegard of Bingen.

3 vols. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994-2004.

DiCenso, Daniel. “Hildegard on Trial: A Note Regarding the Narrow Reception of a Medieval Abbess-Composer.” Marginalia 5 (2007), http://www. marginalia. co. uk/ Journal/07trial/dicenso. php.

Dronke, Peter. Women Writers of the Middle Ages: A Critical Study of Texts from Per-petua (d. 203) to Marguerite Porete (d. 1310). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984.

Dronke, Peter, trans. and ed. Nine Medieval Latin Plays. Cambridge Medieval Classics 1.

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994.

Feiss, Hugh, OSB, trans. Hildegard of Bingen: Explanation of the Rule of St. Benedict. Peregrina Translation Series. Toronto: Peregrina Publishing, 1990. Available online at Http://monasticmatrix. usc. edu/cartularium/article. php? textId=93.

Feiss, Hugh, OSB, trans. The Life of the Saintly Hildegard. Peregrina Translation Series. Toronto: Peregrina Publishing, 1996.

Ferrante, Joan. “Correspondent: ‘Blessed Is the Speech of Your Mouth.”’ In Voice of the Living Light: Hildegard of Bingen and Her World, edited by Barbara Newman. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1998.

Flanagan, Sabina. Hildegard of Bingen, 1098-1179: A Visionary Life. 2nd ed. London: Routledge, 1998.

Fournier-Rosset, Jany. From Hildegard’s Kitchen: Foods of Health, Foods of Joy. Translated by Victoria Hebert and Denis Sabourin. Liguori, MI: Liguori Publications, 2010.

Godfrey of St. Disibod and Theoderic of Echternach. Vita Sanctae Hildegardis. Edited by Monika Klaes. CCCM 126. Turnhout: Brepols, 1993.

Hart, Columba, and Jane Bishop, trans. Hildegard of Bingen: Scivias. Introduction by Barbara J. Newman. Preface by Caroline Walker Bynum. New York: Paulist Press, 1990.

Hildegard of Bingen. Explanatio symboli sancti Athanasii. Edited by Christopher P. Evans. Corpus Christianorum: Continuatio Mediaevalis. Vol. 226. Turnhout: Brepols, 2007.

Hildegard of Bingen. Expositiones evangeliorum. Edited by Beverly Mayne Kienzle and Carolyn A. Muessig. Corpus Christianorum: Continuatio Mediaevalis Vol. 226. Turnhout: Brepols, 2007.

Hildegard of Bingen. Selected Writings. Translated by Mark Atherton. Penguin Classics. London: Penguin Books, 2001.

Hildegard of Bingen. Symphonia: A Critical Edition of the ‘Symphonia armonie ce-lestium revelationum’ [Symphony of the harmony of celestial revelations]. Translated by Barbara Newman. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1998. 2nd ed. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1998.

Higley, Sarah L., ed. and trans. Hildegard of Bingen’s Unknown Language: An Edition, Translation, and Discussion. The New Middle Ages. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.

Hozeski, Bruce, trans. The Book of the Rewards of Life. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.

Hozeski, Bruce, trans. Hildegard von Bingen’s Mystical Visions. Introduction by Matthew Fox. Santa Fe, NM: Bear, 1995.

Izbicki, Thomas, trans. Hildegard of Bingen: An Explanation of the Athanasian Creed. Peregrina Translations Series. Toronto: Peregrina Publishing, 2001.

Maddocks, Fiona. Hildegard of Bingen: The Woman of Her Age. New York: Doubleday, 2001.

Mulder-Bakker, Anneke B. Lives of the Anchoresses: The Rise of the Urban Recluse in Medieval Europe. Translated by Myra Heerspink Scholz. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2005.

New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians. 2nd ed. London: Macmillan, 2001. s. n. Hildegard of Bingen.

Newman, Barbara, ed. Voice of the Living Light: Hildegard of Bingen and Her World. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1998.

Silvas, Anna. Jutta and Hildegard: The Biographical Sources. Brepols Medieval Women Series. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1999.

Throop, Priscilla, trans. Hildegard von Bingen’s Physica: The Complete English Translation of Her Classic Work on Health and Healing. Illustrated by Mary Elder Jacobsen. Rochester, VT: Healing Arts Press, 1998.


Anchoress: http://courseweb. stthomas. edu/medieval/julian/anchoress. htm.

Hildegard:  Chronology: http://www. oxfordgirlschoir. co. uk/hildegard/hildegard

Chronology. html.

Hildegard: Summary of Writings: Http://home. infionline. net/~ddisse/hildegar. html# Anchor214280.

Hildegard of Bingen: Http://www. newadvent. org/cathen/07351a. htm.

The International Society of Hildegard von Bingen Studies: http://www. hildegard-Society. org/ Includes listings of events, conferences, and recent publications and contains a bibliography of Hildegard’s works.

Roberge, Pierre-F. “Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179): A discography”: http://www. Medieval. org/emfaq/composers/hildegard. html.

“The Rupertsberg near Bingen”: Http://www. maasberg. ch/eRupertsberg. html.

The Visionary Hildegard of Bingen: http://www. suite101.com/content/visionary-Hildegard-of-bingen-a260260#ixzz15MoO6jWE.

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Illustration by Howard Pyle titled “Robin and the Tinker at the Blue Boar Inn.” (Howard Pyle, The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood, 1890)

