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25-03-2015, 23:09


Primary Sources

William ofAlnwick (1937) Questiones disputatae de esse intelligibili et de quolibet, ed. Ledoux A. Collegium S. Bonaventure, Quaracchi

Secondary Sources

D’SouzaJ (1973) William ofAlnwickand the problem offaith and reason.

Salesianum 35:425-488

Dumont SD (1987) The univocity of the concept of being in the fourteenth century: John Duns Scotus and William of Alnwick. Mediaev Stud 49:1-75

Gilson E (1955) History of Christian philosophy in the Middle Ages. Random House, New York

Murdoch JE (1982) Infinity and continuity. In: Kretzmann N, Kenny A, Pinborg J (eds) The Cambridge historyoflater medieval philosophy. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp 564-591 Noone TB (1993) Alnwick on the origin, nature, and function of the formal distinction. Francisc Stud 53:231-261 Thijssen JMMH (1990) The response to Thomas Aquinas in the early 14th century. Eternity and infinity in the works ofHenry Harclay, Thomas of Wilton, and William of Alnwick. In: Wissink JBM (ed) The eternity of the world in the thought of Thomas Aquinas and his contemporaries. Brill, Leiden, pp 82-100 Williams T (2003) Introduction. In: Williams T (ed) The Cambridge companion to John Duns Scotus. Cambridge University Press, New York, pp 1-14

Wolter AB (1994) Alnwick on Scotus and divine concurrence. In: Carrol WJ, Furlong JJ (eds) Greek and medieval studies in honor of Leo Sweeney. S. J. Peter Lang, New York, pp 255-283

