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 Islamic History
Islamic History
Islamic History (The Islamic World)
Author: Laura S. Etheredge
Rosen Education Service
Pages: 227
Language: English
Format: pdf
Size: 4.6 Mb

What are the percepts of Shari'ah law? What role did Genghis Khan play in Islamic history? How do the teachings of the Quran mesh with those of other religious texts? Islamic History is part of a 3 book series. In this powerful, probing, and thought-provoking series, the world of Islam is explored and explained. With coverage from around the world and across the centuries, each book provides a thorough look into the religion with nearly two billion adherents worldwide. Readers will develop a comprehensive understanding of this incredibly rich faith and its contributions to world culture and history. They will gain access to authentic ideas and concepts, which unfortunately have been somewhat distorted by recent events that were carried out in the name of Islam.

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Author: Terry Deary
London (Horrible Histories Gruesome Guides)
Format: pdf/epub
Size: 27.2 Mb
Language: English

It's history with the nasty bits left in! Want to know: What caused the Great Stink of 1858? Why the flying dustmen were feared? Who ate a tosher for tea? Plot your path to the past with the frightful full-colour map - take a trip to the terrifying Tower and dip into the River Thames (London's largest toilet!).

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 Totalitaryzm: geneza, istota, upadek
Totalitaryzm: geneza, istota, upadek
Author:Roman Bäcker
Totalitaryzm: geneza, istota, upadek
Format: pdf
Language: Polish
Size: 45.12 MB

Rozwój Europy w XX wieku nie jest możliwy do opisania, ani tym bardziej — zrozumienia — bez pojęć: totalitaryzm (totalizm), totalitarny. Publicystyka współczesna chętnie posługuje się nimi w tak różnych kontekstach, że powstaje niebezpieczne — z racjonalnego punktu widzenia — zacieranie sensu, podstawowego znaczenia terminów, które kryją realne, groźne treści wymierzone przeciwko człowiekowi: jednostce i społeczeństwu. Z języka prac naukowych termin totalitaryzm przemieścił się w ostatnich latach w sferę języka codziennego, wręcz potocznego, nabierając przy okazji znaczenia pejoratywnego epitetu, a nawet cech publicystycznej inwektywy. Zarazem odrywa się od
przynależnego mu pola znaczeniowego wskazywanego przez historyków, filozofów, socjologów czy politologów.

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 Arms & Armor
Arms & Armor
Author: Collective
Arms & Armor (Heritage Auction №6119)
Heritage Auction Inc.
Format: PDF
Pages: 192
Size: 36 Mb
Language: English

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 The Dictionary of Mythology: An A-Z of Themes, Legends and Heroes
The Dictionary of Mythology: An A-Z of Themes, Legends and Heroes
Author: J. A. Coleman
The Dictionary of Mythology: An A-Z of Themes, Legends and Heroes
Arcturus Publishing Limited
Format: PDF
Language: English
Size: 12,13 mb
This book includes myths, heroes, places and legends from all five continents, and from the different cultures and peoples found there. It has appeal to all general knowledge and crossword enthusiasts, and those who enjoy complete reference libraries. It can be read for enjoyment as well as extensively for reference. It is a serious player in its field, both by its content and extent.

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 Mythology: The Voyage of the Hero
Mythology: The Voyage of the Hero
Mythology: The Voyage of the Hero
Oxford University Press
Author: David Adams Leeming
Pages: 288
Format: PDF
Size: 17 mb
Language: English

What makes something mythic? What do mythic events and narratives have to do with us? In Mythology, David Leeming offers an unusual and effective approach to the subject of mythology by stressing universal themes through myths of many cultures. This anthology collects a wide array of narrative texts from the Bible to English literature to interpretations by Joseph Campbell, C.G. Jung, and others, which illustrate how myths serve whole societies in our universal search for meaning.
Leeming illustrates the various stages or rites of passage of the mythic universal hero, from birth to childhood, through trial and quest, death, descent, rebirth, and ascension. The arrangement of texts by themes such as "Childhood, Initiation and Divine Signs," "The Descent to the Underworld," and "Resurrection and Rebirth" strip mythic characters of their many national and cultural "masks" to reveal their archetypal aspects. Real figures, including Jesus and Mohammed, are also included underlining the theory that myths are real and can be applied to real life. This edition is updated to include additional heroine myths, as well as Navajo, Indonesian, Indian, Chinese, and African tales.

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 A Curious History of Food and Drink
A Curious History of Food and Drink
Author: Ian Crofton
A Curious History of Food and Drink
Format: epub/pdf
Size: 36.7 Mb
Language: English

Ever wondered where noodles came from? How Worcester Sauce was invented? Or even who the "Cucumber King of Burma" was? Beginning with the hippo soup eaten in Africa in 6000 BC, through to the dangerous blowfish enjoyed in contemporary Japan, A Curious History of Food and Drink reveals the bizarre origins of the food and drink consumed throughout history.
From the pheasant brains and flamingo tongues scoffed by the Roman emperor Vitellius, to the unusual uses of licorice (once a treatment for sore feet), Ian Crofton makes use of original sources--including journals, cookbooks and manuals--to reveal the bizarre, entertaining and informative stories behind the delicacies enjoyed by our ancestors.

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 Great Ages of Man - Cradle of Civilization
Great Ages of Man - Cradle of Civilization
Author: Samuel Noah Cramer
Great Ages of Man - Cradle of Civilization
Time-Life Books
Format: PDF
Pages: 184
Language: English
Size: 32.4 MB

A great introduction into the evolution of Mesopotamia as one of the great centers of human development, the first cities of Sumer, the Semitic Conquest of the Amorites over Sumer, the rise of city states of Ur, Erech, and Nippur, the code of Hammurabi, the rise of the Babylon, the invention of cuneiform writing, the writing and survival of the Epic of Gilgamesh, and a lot of other great stuff too. A great book from 1967 Time/Life series "Great Ages of Man", well worth your perusal if interested in the ancient history of the Middle East.

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 Famous Phonies: Legends, Fakes, and Frauds Who Changed History
Famous Phonies: Legends, Fakes, and Frauds Who Changed History
Author: Brianna DuMont
Famous Phonies: Legends, Fakes, and Frauds Who Changed History (The Changed History Series)
Sky Pony Press
Format: epub
Size: 10.2 Mb
Language: English

Fakes, frauds, and phonies. Sounds like a book filled with criminals and delinquents, doesn’t it? Well, it’s not. Some of the biggest names in history can be found between these pages—and the light isn’t flattering. (We’re looking at you, George “I must not tell a lie” Washington.) Famous Phonies: Legends, Fakes, and Frauds Who Changed History is the first book in a new nonfiction middle grade series that will explore the underbelly of history, making you question everything you thought you knew about history’s finest. Follow the fake lives of these twelve history-changers to uncover the fabrications of the famous, and the should-be-famous!
Famous “Phonies”:
Confucius • George Washington • Pythagoras • Hiawatha • Gilgamesh • Major William Martin • William Shakespeare • Pope Joan • Homer • Prester John • Huangdi • The Turk

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 Enciclopedia de la Historia (10 Tomos)
Enciclopedia de la Historia (10 Tomos)
Author: Charlotte Evans
Enciclopedia de la Historia (10 Tomos)
Pages: 860
Language: español
Format: pdf
Size: 211 Mb

Esta interesante enciclopedia cuenta de una forma clara y sencilla la Historia de la humanidad. Comienza su relato hace más de 40,000 años, época de la que datan los primeros asentamientos humanos, estudia el desarrollo de las primeras civilizaciones y llega hasta nuestros días. 250 artículos que tratan los principales acontecimientos, 1600 ilustraciones y fotografías, más de 100 mapas, una completa tabla cronológica desde el 40,000 a.C. hasta la actualidad.

Una enciclopedia especialmente pensada para los escolares, en la que se narra la historia del mundo desde las primeras manifestaciones humanas y culturales hasta nuestros días. Esta importante obra de consulta muestra la historia del mundo a través de brillantes e informativos gráficos, cuadros de cronologías e ilustraciones y fotografías en color.

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 A History of Japan: From Stone Age to Superpower
A History of Japan: From Stone Age to Superpower
Author: Kenneth G. Henshall
A History of Japan: From Stone Age to Superpower
University of Cantenbury
Format: pdf
Size: 1,2 MB
Language: English

Japan's impact on the modern world has been enormous. It occupies just one 300th of the planet's land area, yet came to wield one sixth of the world's economic power. Just 150 years ago it was an obscure land of paddy fields and feudal despots. Within 50 years it became a major imperial power – it's so-called 'First Miracle'. After defeat in the Second World War, when Japan came close to annihilation, within 25 years it recovered remarkably to become the world's third biggest economy – it's 'Second Miracle'. It is now not only an economic superpower, but also a technological and cultural superpower. True miracles have no explanation: Japan's 'miracles' do. The nation's success lies in deeply ingrained historical values, such as a pragmatic determination to succeed. The world can learn much from Japan, and its story is told in these pages.

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 Great Ages of Man - Age of Faith
Great Ages of Man - Age of Faith
Author: Anne Fremantle
Great Ages of Man - Age of Faith
Time-Life Books
Format: PDF
Pages: 200
Language: English
Size: 33.3 MB

A thousand medieval years were not solely an "age of faith" nor is faith a uniquely medieval phenomenon. But the cathedrals were the most impressive monuments of that era; its greatest poem was a description of Hell, Purgatory and Paradise; crusades were the only collective enterprises which temporarily rallied all nations; there were heretics and infidels but agnosticism was nonexistent or cowed into silence; the clergy was more numerous and influential in politics, economics, philosophy and other intellectual pursuits than it has ever been since. There is nothing wrong with the traditional formula of an "age of faith," provided we remember that the Middle Ages were many other things as well.

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 Atlantis Destroyed
Atlantis Destroyed
Atlantis Destroyed
Author: Rodney Castleden
Pages: 240
Format: PDF
Size: 7 mb
Language: English

Plato's legend of Atlantis has become notorious among scholars as the absurdest lie in literature. Atlantis Destroyed explores the possibility that the account given by Plato is historically true.
Rodney Castleden first considers the location of Atlantis re-examining two suggestions put forward in the early twentieth century; Minoan Crete and Minoan Thera. He outlines the latest research findings on Knossos and Bronze Age Thera, discussing the material culture, trade empire and agricultural system, writing and wall paintings, art, religion and society of the Minoan civilization. Castleden demonstrates the many parallels between Plato's narrative and the Minoan Civilization in the Aegean.
Fired by the imagination a new vision of Atlantis has arisen over the last one hundred and fifty years as a lost utopia. Rodney Castleden discusses why this picture arose and xplains how it has become confused with Plato's genuine account.

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 A Short History of Paper-Money and Banking in the United States
A Short History of Paper-Money and Banking in the United States
A Short History of Paper-Money and Banking in the United States
Augustus M. Kelly Publisher
Author: William M. Gouge
Pages: 420
Format: PDF
Size: 21 mb
Language: English

A brief exposition of the principles of Banking, was all that the writer originally intended to give. In the first draft of the work, the historical sketch was part of a chapter. It has been extended to its present length, from a belief that a tolerably full account of incidents in the History of American Banking would be acceptable to the reader.

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 Images of Terror: What We Can and Can't Know About Terrorism
Images of Terror: What We Can and Can't Know About Terrorism
Images of Terror: What We Can and Can't Know About Terrorism
Author: Philip Jenkins
Aldine de Gruyter
ISBN: 0202306798, 020230678X
Pages: 227
Language: English
Format: PDF
Size: 23 Мb

As in the study of any social problem, to understand terrorism we must understand how certain interest groups and bureaucratic agencies present their particular views of terrorist phenomena, and how they strive and try to establish these as the ones that come to be accepted as obviously correct. We also need to consider their audiences. Why do the media accept or reject certain views of terrorism? Why does the public accept one kind of rhetorical presentation rather than another? How aYe popular attitudes shaped and reshaped by the images and stereotypes offered in the mass media, and in popular culture? When we appreciate the processes involved in making news about terrorism, we are better able to sift critically the claims that are made, and to evaluate policies.
Images of Terror provides a critical guide to the images of terrorism that we see daily in the mass media. All too often, scholars and journalists accept uncritically the interpretations of terrorism they receive from governments and official agencies. Our perceptions of terrorism are formed by the interaction of bureaucratic agencies, academics and private experts, and the mass media. Yet the images and stereotypes offered do not necessarily reflect objective reality.
Jenkins argues that terrorism, like most other problems, is socially constructed. He does not suggest that terrorism is not a real problem, an authentic menace, or that society should not respond promptly and effectively to terrorist threats. But rather than being something understood in the same way by people in different societies and different eras, the concept of terrorism is shaped by social and political processes, by bureaucratic needs and media structures. This process of construction applies both to the overall concept, and to specific movements, to groups and their actions.
For the foreseeable future, terrorism is likely to remain a dominant issue in the political life of the United States, and indeed of much of the world. This book raises important questions about how we form our notions of the enemy to be confronted, and how, when we make statements about terrorism, we know what we think we know.

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 An Encyclopedia of World History; Ancient, Medieval, and Modern, Chronologically Arranged
An Encyclopedia of World History; Ancient, Medieval, and Modern, Chronologically Arranged
An Encyclopedia of World History; Ancient, Medieval, and Modern, Chronologically Arranged
Houghton Mifflin
Author: Peter N. Stearns
Pages: 1243
Format: CHM
Size: 14 mb
Language: English

The history of this encyclopedia is one of the most interesting in American (and German) publishing, with a lineage going back well over a century. My colleagues and I, as editors of this new edition, have been conscious of our responsibility in dealing with probably the most revered reference work in our discipline. I myself knew and used what we called the “Langer encyclopedia,” after its distinguished editor, William L. Langer, throughout my professional education and career. My copy was a gift from my father, and all the more cherished as a result.
The present edition takes up the encyclopedia's heritage with that combination of change and continuity that any historian will recognize as a standard of human endeavor. We have kept the style of most references, as well as many specific entries from what was a marvelous compendium. We have retained the emphasis on periodization as an organizing device for the historian's craft. But in seeking to match the earlier editors' commitment to thoroughness and to an up-to-date rendition of history as a discipline, we have also made significant changes. Two of these warrant brief comment by way of orientation, and two others deserve more complete explanation.

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 Normandia 1944
Normandia 1944
Normandia 1944
Author: Wojciech Zalewski
Taktyka i Strategia, Alma-Press
Wielkie Bitwy Historii
ISBN: 978-83-925676-7-7
Pages: 66
Language: Polish
Format: PDF
Size: 63 MB

Operacja Overlord – aliancka inwazja we Francji, trwajaca od 6 czerwca do konca sierpnia 1944 roku, ktora stanowila poczatkowa faze dzialan wojennych na froncie zachodnim (1944-1945) podczas II wojny swiatowej. Rozpoczela sie ladowaniem w Normandii, bedacym najwieksza operacja morsko-desantowa w dziejach swiata, ktorej celem bylo przelamanie Walu Atlantyckiego. Po zdobyciu i skonsolidowaniu przyczolkow przez aliantow oraz przesunieciu przez Niemcow w rejon inwazji posilkow nastapil okres wzglednej rownowagi sil i stabilizacji frontu, podczas ktorego glowny punkt ciezkosci stanowily walki o Caen. Nowy etap dzialan zapoczatkowala przeprowadzona pod koniec lipca Operacja Cobra, gdy Amerykanie przelamali front i wyszli na tyly niemieckich armiii w Normandii. Kulminacyjny moment kampanii stanowila sierpniowa bitwa pod Falaise, podczas ktorej znaczna czesc wojsk hitlerowskich zostala okrazona i rozbita, co umozliwilo aliantom wyjscie na linie Sekwany i wyzwolenie Paryza.

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 Historic Arms and Militaria
Historic Arms and Militaria
Author: Collective
Historic Arms and Militaria
Skinner Inc.
Format: PDF
Pages: 124
Size: 22 Mb
Language: Englis

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 Great Ages of Man - The Reformation
Great Ages of Man - The Reformation
Author: Edith Simon
Great Ages of Man - The Reformation
Time-Life Books
Format: PDF
Pages: 182
Language: English
Size: 29 MB

During the 16th century a movement started that culminated in the founding of Protestantism. The story of ecclesiastical reform as it developed into contending factions, and as it interacted with the political, social, economic and philosophical currents of the age, is unfolded in this book.

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